Machinery revamping is the method that aims to regenerate or modernize machined and equipment and update their functions. With the use of revamping old machines have the opportunity to become new working machines again. Through a significant type of modification
Project partnership meets online
On the 22nd of May REFITTING MACHINE project partnership met in an online meeting to discuss regarding the current situation related to COVID -19 in their respective countries and assess the progress being made in the development of the Intellectual Outputs
What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform used for building electronics projects. It consists of both a psychical programmable circuit board (i.e. a microcontroller) and a piece of software than runs on the computer, used to write and upload computer codes
Our first newsletter is out!
The first Newsletter of Refitting Machine is out and available. Check it out for more news about the project development.
Case studies collected
The work for the REFITTING MACHINE project by all partners is proceeding mainly focusing on the development of the Expert Program Toolkit which in May will see its first version by LUDOR ENGINEERING with the contribution of all partners. Each
Intellectual Output 1: “Experts Program Toolkit”
The partners of “Refitting Machine” project are working to develop the intellectual output O1 “Experts Program Toolkit” that consists of training materials on several fields relevant for machinery revamping. The output will provide the skills and knowledge needed to perform
Meet the project partners!
REFITTING MACHINE project partnership consists of 6 partners from 5 countries representing different fields of expertise and highly motivated to contribute to the success of the project. 1. PETIT PAS (IT) is a social promotion association based in a coworking
Kick off meeting held in Trani
Thanks to the European Union funds the six European countries forming the consortium for this project: Italy, Cyprus, Grece, Spain and two partners from Romania, had the chance to meet at the end of January in person to start working